The Platinum Package includes all the features of the Plus Package, along with the following services:
Partnerships Letters
Whether you are a B2B, B2C, or B2G organization, making partnerships within the community and other businesses is essential to the overall success of any company. And often, a Funder will ask for a partnership letter from organizations that work with and believe in your organization, but what makes a partnership letter stand out? At Grant Life Consulting, we help your partners write letters that clearly articulate how the partnership aligns with the Funders' ask.
Grant Management
Receiving the grant award is just the beginning. Managing the award cycle is just as crucial as writing the proposal, but what does it entail? Grant Life Consulting has you covered! We serve as the team coordinator, reminding staff of required reports and deadlines and essentially driving the narrative and vision of the grant report. Additionally, our team works closely with your organization to prevent miscommunications with the Funder and assist with last-minute issues if a grant is executed differently than accepted.
At the end of each grant cycle, Funders require a report detailing the allocation of awarded funds, along with impact. Because each Funder sets their reporting requirements, hiring a team that understands how to navigate through the requirements ensures your organization fulfills the Funders request and creates a strategic approach to securing the same Funder and their funds for your program their upcoming grant cycle/approach.
This Package Includes:
Organization alignment with other like-missioned companies